Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Mexico Border Fiasco

Alright. I walked across the border the other day and got attacked by a fat white man with a power trip. He treated me like second class citizen and told me that I was in a "different category" because I was naturalized instead of being born here. I asked him for his name and he told me to talk to his sup.

His sup was even worse! She was the meanest, most defensive person I've ever met. I was so about to go off, but had to contain myself cause I was in a vulnerable position. Guess that explains that power tripping.

So...if you're going to Mexico, and you are a second class citizen of the US, bring your passport. If you were born here, you have until Jan of 2008 to cross without a passport.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Strange Things

Almost everyday, I experience or observe strange things. Guess it's living in LA and working with people that increases this possibility. Today, was no exception. In the morning, I saw a client who was seriously all pimped out in a bright blue suit with a hat, lots of gold chains, and sunglasses waiting in the waiting area. Guess pimps have kids too. In the afternoon, I saw a little person with highlights in her hair. I know highlights are very common, but I've never seen it on a little person. Have you?

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Job Hating

I hate my job right now. I'm totally stressed out and unhappy. I'm thinking of quitting. Actually, at work today I blurted out, "I hate this job. I quit!" No one noticed. Too bad.

Tomorrow morning, I have to take this baby to a clinic to determine if the mom dropped the baby on her head. Mom claims that the bump on the baby's head is a "birthmark." I hope she's right.

On Monday, I have go testify in court. The judge called me in to find out why I left this blind baby with her mom when the mom was in a domestic violence relationship with the baby daddy. The mom got beat up when she was pregnant by the baby daddy and almost had a miscarriage. The mom never got a restraining order, but said that she wanted to get it. The court can't give it to her because she needs to serve the baby daddy, but the baby daddy's homeless now and can't be found.

This is too much drama in one person's life. Make it all go away!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Pinkberry AGAIN

I have a confession. I'm addicted to Pinkberry. It's this non-fat yogurt in both regular and green tea flavors and you can get it with all sorts of toppings. My choice is the regular flavored yogurt with fresh mango. I'm drooling as I write this even though I just had some.

I went with a large group to the one in Koreatown and the line was super long. Of course there were no seats available so we were eyeing the tables like hawks. We got three tables in this one section and were waiting for a fouth table in the section to open up. An older man and a woman were sitting there and had just finished their yogurt. The woman disappears. A little while later, the woman comes back with a large yogurt with lots of different toppings. We were all like, "Yeah, it's that good."

Back to the Drawing Board

Alright! It's a new year and a fresh start. I like that about the new year. It's time to put the past behind and look forward to the future. The sky's the limit and there is much hope.

Due to the holidays and some trips I took, my diet and workout plan has gone down the toilet. "Body for Life" was very time consuming and the results were not very motivating. After working out six days a week for two weeks and eating six small meals a day, my jeans felt tighter. Oh, hell no! I don't care if it's muscle. I quit!

I don't have resolutions, but I do have some goals for this year.

1) Learn to play the guitar - gonna take a class at a community college
2) Learn to speak Spanish - gonna buy that program that they always advertise
3) Lose 15 pounds - my plan "Don't eat as much and exercise" (advice given to me by a
homeless, developmentally delayed man on how to lose weight)
4) Save money
5) Learn about buying a home - gonna take a class at a community college

Monday, December 11, 2006

Lovers In Paris

I just finished watching a Korean drama called "Lovers in Paris." It's a modern day Cinderella story where a poor girl meets a rich man and they fall madly in love with each other. Of course there are villians who attempt to get in the way of the couple, which makes the story more interesting.

I started watching it on Sat and finished it a couple of hours ago. If anyone has watched an entire Korean drama, he/she would know how much time it consumes and how it could consume your mind. I think that's why it's so popular. It allows you to escape the dreadery of life for a brief moment (for me pretty much the entire weekend) like a drug.

I worked out afterwards. It feels so good to workout. I feel stronger and more confident already.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Today I went to workout during lunch time. I went to the 24 hour fitness in K-town. Boy, was that a mistake. There was traffic due to construction and people drive very poorly there. Luckily, I found metered parking that had almost two hours left.

I was doing weights, but rushed through it because I had to get back to work. I don't think that lunch time workouts are going to work for me, but I don't know how else I'm going to fit going to the gym six times a week. Perhaps I can do weights at home with resistance bands. I'm going to check that out.

I checked out another person's blog who is also doing Body For Life. I was amazed by her dedication. I'm inspired to change my diet to a more restrictive one because I'm eating like a pig compared to her. Sweets are my weakness.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Work Hard Work Out Not So Hard

I worked like a mad woman today cause I had so much to do. The work is never ending, especially because I have to document every single thing that I do for a client. If I answer the phone, I have to document the content of that conversation into a database.

I was actually looking forward to working out because I had been sitting all day at my cubicle. My fingers were getting a great workout, but my butt felt like it was becoming a pancake from sitting down all day.

Today, I did weights for the lower body. I forgot bring my lil cheat sheet with me so I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. I was thinking, "This is a cinch. Why didn't I try this workout program before?"

I read what I was supposed to do when I got home from the gym. I was supposed to do a lot more. Oops. Oh well, at least I did something.

My goal is to have a toned body. I was watching "Wife Swap" yesterday and the prettier mom had great legs. Her hamstrings were very defined, yet not bulky. I want that!

Natural High

Yesterday I went to get an eye exam and they dilated my pupils. The doc told me that I would be sensitive to light. I went outside and realized that all the lights were so much brighter and the colors more vivid. It was strangely familiar.

Then I went to go workout at the Hollywood 24 hour fitness where you have a nice view of the outside because the walls are made out of glass. I chose to do cardio. I was doing the elliptical machine while listening to dance music on my Ipod when I suddenly realized that the lights from across the way were bouncing up and down to the music. Dialated pupils + movement of the body + dance music + lights = fun!